cracks me up

20 Nov, 19 - 7 Comments.

So I was just pottering around in the chat room last night while I chilled out on the lounge. What I noticed was the amount of people boys and girls that would come in and not even say one word and stay for 5 mins then leave (If that). What they don't understand is the whole in and out thing doesn't register on the ongoing chat if someone comes in after you. If you don't want to chat to whom ever is in there at least leave s o me graffiti so people know you exist.

If you are waiting on the love of your life ( or lust of the day) to enter the room, chances are it isn't going to happen, so pull the stick outta your butt and enjoy conversing with someone, you might even change their entire day for the better.

  • (User Inactive) - 25 Nov, 19

    I'm the one of them but I can give you a solid reason for that, actually most of the time there r only men and I can only say hello to them as a good ethical gesture and that's it because I'm not interested in them but if you find a local woman in the room she acts like a untouchable so how's this gonna work


    • Aisle115 - 26 Nov, 19
      Newcastle, NSW, AU

      Thats not a solid reason at all. Do you go to a bar and sit in the corner just watching everyone hoping that a girl might come over to you and strike up a conversation?

      You never know who is friends with who online, and who can put a good word in for you.

      People are move likely to stay in the chatroom if it is fun and entertaining than dull and boring. And that my friend is the key.


      33 Comments - 5 Blog Posts
  • (Private Profile) - 22 Nov, 19

    Happens all the time, you say hi and there's no response and they bugger off. It's a chat room, not sure what they expect to happen but I find even a hello scares people away lol


    • Aisle115 - 26 Nov, 19
      Newcastle, NSW, AU

      I know why does a hello make them run, I have no idea. They are expecting the world from a chatroom which in my experience rarely happens. Build a friendship (over time) and see where it can take you.


      33 Comments - 5 Blog Posts

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