FlameFinder Free Chat Rooms

FlameFinder free webcam and video chat rooms are a great way to meet new Australian friends and partners. They're a lot of fun, and absolutely free. Come on in!!

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Some of Our Members

Ella003, 32

Melbourne, VIC, AU
4 Photos

Lazerus3E, 39

Mile End, SA, AU
5 Photos

Evie1000, 34

Melbourne, VIC, AU
1 Photo

Thehuli, 44

Aldgate, SA, AU
1 Photo

Mace26, 36

Redbank Plains, QLD, AU
3 Photos

bobo125, 39

Orange, NSW, AU
3 Photos

Chat Rooms – 5 Things You Should Know

If you haven’t actually participated in chat rooms, you may be unaware of how much fun they can be; some say even addicting. Very popular on dating sites, chat rooms are where you go to have conversations in real time. Your message is displayed the moment it’s typed and so are all the responses. Typically, there’s a section of the screen that displays everyone’s username in the room, as well as updating when people enter or leave.

There’s nothing new about the concept of chat rooms; they’ve been a part of online communication for years. Like everything else online, there have been changes and improvement to chat rooms. A long time feature of chat rooms is the option of taking a conversation ‘private’ by moving it to private messages. The recipient always has the option of choosing not to accept any unwanted private messages.

Some chats, including FlameFinder free chat rooms, enable you to see and hear the person on the other end by offering webcam and voice chat features. Most chat rooms have a general area, where anyone can add to the conversation. There are usually other rooms, organised by categories and geared toward a specific group, such as seniors, adults only or particular age groups or locations.

Every chat room sets their own rules, so be sure to read them before beginning to participate. Free chat rooms generally are the most lenient in their terms, but there are certain behaviours that should be followed no matter what type room you’re in. Adhering to the following tips should give you the best chance for a successful chat room experience.

We give you a user name for a reason, use it

It’s not wise to reveal your true identity to a chat room full of strangers. When you register, you’ll create a user name and that becomes your ‘identity’ while you’re chatting. It’s best to know a whole lot about a person before you start sharing personal information.

Learn chat room etiquette

It may seem basic, but many people are still unaware that typing in all caps indicates shouting online. This holds true in chat rooms. People are usually quick to point that out if you start typing in all capital letters. Another consideration is for the people trying to read your message; keep your fonts simple and easy to read and avoid bright colours.

Be nice

Your mum probably told you ‘if you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all’. This is good advice if you want to gain popularity in chat rooms. Try to welcome new people to the room, for some it takes a lot of courage to even enter a chat room and a friendly welcome often eases their tension.

There’s a time and a place for everything

If cyber sex is your big turn on, be aware that it’s inappropriate anywhere except the rooms that are specifically designated for it. Even most intimate chat rooms will have special rooms set aside for getting your groove on.

No need to dazzle them with B.S.

If you’re genuinely interested in meeting someone in a webcam chat room, you’re going to want to present the real you, not a fantasy you that lives only in your mind. People will either like you or not, but if they like you, you want them to know the real you. No relationship will survive if it starts out with deception. Tell the truth, you’ll be glad you did.